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Our School Day

Our School Day

The school is open from 8.30am until 3:15pm daily (although wrap around care is available).  This equates to 33.45 compulsory hours in a typical week.

Our school day starts at 8.45am.  Children are encouraged to arrive at school from 8.30am when our playground is supervised by a duty member of staff. Children are allowed to go straight to their class to complete any early work before learning starts promptly at 8.45am; there are many benefits for your child to arrive early as they are "ready to learn" when the school day starts.

Each class has its own timetable. However, all children come together for Collective Worship at 10:30-10:45am Monday to Thursday and on Friday 9am- 9:15am.

Our break-times are split with KS1 at 10:10- 10:25 and KS2 at 10:45-11am.  Lunchtime is staggered with the younger children having lunch first from 11:45am.  Lunchtime is 45 minutes in length and the School day finishes at 3:15pm

The school facilitates a breakfast and after-school club.  The breakfast club runs from 7.30am-8.30am and the ASC from 3:15pm- 6pm.