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1c. Week Four Monday 27th April

Home Learning Plans

Oak Class

Week Beginning: Monday 27th April


Hello there, Oak Class!

The work on the Wider Curriculum is to last you two weeks. Try your best to do at least one activity from each subject. I have included some light experiments that you could try at home for fun in the science resources folder.

Don’t forget to share your newspaper reports with me. My email is:

Sending lots of love to you all!

Miss Mercer J


Reading:  Wonder by RJ Palacio

  • This book is written in chapters but they are not labelled as ‘chapter one’ etc; they have names.  This week, I would like you to read the first 5 chapters: Ordinary, Why I didn’t go to school, How I came to life, Christopher’s house and Driving.
  • Attached is another work book. After reading each chapter, look in the workbook and see if there are any questions to answer. There are not for every single chapter but most do.
  • I also have a musical reading comprehension for you to complete. Listen to Space Oddity by David Bowie (you will be able to find it on YouTube), the link for the lyrics is here: Then answer the questions in the English folder.
  • When completing guided or supported reading of an age appropriate text, focus on factual recall. Use the factual section of this questioning tool to generate questions to ensure that your child has fully understand what they are reading.

For example:

-When did the character go to the shops?

-What did they do next?

-Who is in the shop?


  • Watch the tutorial on using cohesive devices. The link is:
  • Complete the worksheet – one is verbal fluency and one is application. Complete the level that is right for you.


  • Firstly, I would like you to have a try at uplevelling your newspaper report. Look at the level criteria sheet in the English folder and try to complete as much as possible.
  • The other writing task is based on the video for the song Bronte by Gotye. While watching the video: , complete the observation sheet (first page of resources). On the second page, there are some activities you can do and questions you can answer about what you have seen. The final task is to read the story starter and continue it. You can use what happened in the video, or you can put your own twist on it. Be as imaginative as you like! Use the writing checklist to help you include as many features as you can.

Maths: This week we are starting work on our new topic: properties of shapes.

Main lesson: Visit white rose maths: and go to week two. Go through the video for lesson 4: Introduce angles and complete the activity.

Main lesson: Watch the video on calculating angles: complete the worksheets, choosing which level is best for you. Even if you usually only answer the ‘diving’ questions, watch the whole video as it shows you how to answer the more difficult questions.

  • Wednesday: Watch opposite angles tutorial: . Complete the worksheet, choosing the appropriate level. For those of you that would like a challenge, there are some reasoning questions to have a go at.
  • Thursday: Watch the tutorial:  then complete the worksheets, choosing which level is best for you. Even if you usually only answer the ‘diving’ questions, watch the whole video as it shows you how to answer the more difficult questions.
  • Friday: Go to White Rose maths: and click on summer term week 1, lesson 3. Watch the video and pause to answer the questions on the worksheet when it asks you to.



  • As we are shortly celebrating VE day and are asking to hold you own parties (see attached letter), I’ve have included some resources to help you. There is a POWERPOINT about VE Day, a party planning sheet and some ideas and templates for bunting.