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2c. Week Eleven Monday 22nd June

Home Learning Plans

Chestnut Class

Week Beginning: 22nd June


Dear Chestnut parents/carers and children,

Your core learning for the week is set out in this letter. 

Reading: Read Chapters 34 and 35 of  Varjak Paw, which are provided for you.  There are no questions this week, but your writing task is based on the book.  I can’t believe we have come to the end!!!  I hope you have loved it as much as I have and are excited about our next reading adventure!

Please also make sure you are carrying out additional reading each day.  You could use the grid below to explain what you are reading to an adult.  Challenge yourself to ask questions based on each area of the chart.  For example, you could ask a ‘who?’ question from the left side, or combine it with a will‘’ question from the top section to create a ‘who will?‘ question.

Oxford Owls  This website provides access to free reading material.  You will need to use the log on: chestnut101 and the password: pupil


You have a grammar activity to refresh your understanding and use of adverbs.

You have a spelling quiz on Purple Mash and a ‘look, say, cover, write’ sheet to practise with.



I would like you to write a review of Varjak Paw now that you have finished it.  I have included a top tips sheet to guide you in terms of what you include.  The Book Trust website also has a useful article on the subject:

Please send me your book reviews to  have a look at!


We are finishing decimals this week.

Mr M has recorded learning videos to guide you this week.


There is also an extension video on rounding to the nearest tenth if you fancy an extra challenge!

You also have sheets to do in this order:





Maths fluency:  You have 2 activities set on Purple Mash - a multiplication quiz and a comparing decimals activity.

 You also have 2 activities set on MyMaths.


Wider Curriculum -

Please continue with the wider curriculum matrix.

I hope you are all well.

Take care,

Mrs Barter