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2a. Week Nine Monday 8th June

Home Learning Plans

Chestnut Class

Week Beginning: 8 June

Dear Chestnut parents/carers and children,

Your core learning for the week is set out in this letter. 

Reading: Read Chapters 28, 29 and 30 of  Varjak Paw, which are provided for you.  There are also some questions to answer.  See if you can follow the pattern we have adopted of reading and re-reading before answering the questions.  I have a confession to make - I finished it the other day.  I couldn’t stop myself.  It’s a brilliant end!

Please also make sure you are carrying out additional reading each day.  You could use the grid below to explain what you are reading to an adult.  Challenge yourself to ask questions based on each area of the chart.  For example, you could ask a ‘where?’ question from the left side, or combine it with a ‘will’ question from the top section to create a ‘where will ‘ question.

Oxford Owls  This website provides access to free reading material.  You will need to use the log on: chestnut101 and the password: pupil


You have a grammar activity relating to pronouns and conjunctions in paragraphs.  It comes with the answers which will help you check your work if you have any problems.

You have a spelling quiz on Purple Mash and a ‘look, say, cover, write’ sheet to practise with.

Writing - I would like you to continue with the task that I set last week.  I hope you are enjoying how the work is broken up into chunks to help you manage it at home.  If you would like me to read your completed stories, please send them to me using this email address:


We are continuing with decimals.

This online daily lesson on BBC Bitesize is really helpful.  You may want to watch it a few times.

Next, complete the worksheets

  1.  divide 2 digits by 10
  2. hundredths
  3. hundredths as decimals
  4. hundredths on a place value grid
  5. divide 1 or 2 digits by 100

Fluency:  You have 4 activities set on Purple Mash - dividing by 10, comparing decimals, counting in hundredths, multiplication facts for 3x, 4x and 8x.

You also have 2 activities set on MyMaths.

Wider Curriculum -

Please continue with the set of activities issued last week, including a physical challenge which  is on a separate sheet.

I hope you are all well.

Take care,

Mrs Barter