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1e. Week Six Monday 11th May

Home Learning Plans

Willow Class

Week Beginning: Monday 11th May 2020


Dear Willow Class parents/carers and children,


The core learning for this week is set out below.


All children should read an age appropriate text for a minimum of 20 minutes per day. This can be a reading book or sharing a picture book with an adult. When completing guided or supported reading of an age appropriate text, focus on the predictive questions section below.


For example:   What might happen next?                   Who could be with them?      

Where should they go?                       What would you do?


You can also visit the Oxford Owl website.  

Username: willow101

Password: pupil

Or you can use reading resources via

Click on the Teacher portal and enter:


Password:  Parents20!            And click Login


I have also enclosed a reading comprehension about daffodils for you to complete.



This week’s spelling work and phonics work concentrates on the split digraphs e-e, o-e and

u-e. I have allocated Spelling 2Dos on Purple Mash for o-e and u-e and there is a word search for e-e.


Below are some activities that you could use for phonics/spellings. Remember, each day you can continue to explore the letters sounds by using chalks, magnetic letters, playdough or you could write them in flour, sand or with a pencil.


Writing: This week we are going to do some activities around the story of Dear Teacher by Amy Husband and are going to learn about the suffixes -er and -est. I have enclosed a copy of the story and a PowerPoint about the suffixes.


Here are some activities to try:

  • In the story, Michael writes to his teacher to explain why he can’t come to school. He goes on a big adventure and keeps the teacher up to date with all his adventures. Draw a story plan showing what happened to Michael.
  • Write about your favourite part of the story. Don’t forget to include your reasons for liking it (I like it because…). Perhaps you could describe what happens too.
  • Plan your own adventure story. Where will you go and what will happen to you? I have included a storyboard for you to use.
  • Write your own letter to a teacher at school saying why you can’t come to school.
  • Look at the Suffix PowerPoint and complete the –er and –est activities sheet by filling in the missing words and writing a sentence. Can you think of any other adjectives you could change by using the –er and -est suffixes?
  • If you do one of the writing tasks, why not email it to the class email address so I can read it.



This week we are learning about sequence events, ordering days of the weeks and months of the year and telling the time. There is also a review activity for each day to look at some of the children’s previous learning.



Review activity: The shape on the sheet has 6 boxes. Can you find different ways of colouring in half of the shape?

Main activity: Today’s learning is about sequencing activities for different parts of the day. Look at the sequencing activities cards. What do you do first in the morning? Then what do you do? What do you do next? Talk through your morning routine and order the activities cards. What do you do at night to get ready for bed? What order do you do things in? Talk through your night time routine using the words: first, then, next. You can make your own activity cards if you want to.



Review activity: The number words for 11 to 20 have been muddled up. Can you cut out the number words and match them correctly to the numbers?

Main activity: Today’s activities are about ordering days of the week. Cut up the days of the week cards and put them in order. How many days are there in a week? Can you recite them starting at different days of the week? If you need help look at a calendar or listen to a days of the week song on YouTube. What day comes after Wednesday? What day comes before Sunday? Try to solve the days of the week puzzle.



Review activity: Find the number bonds for 20 and colour them in. Can you make your own puzzle for number bonds for 10?

Main activity: Today’s activity is about ordering months of the year. Cut up the months of the year cards and put them in order. If you are not sure what order to put them in, look at a calendar or listen to a months of the year song on YouTube. Which is the first month of the year? Talk about things that happen at different times of the year (daffodils and spring flowers in March, Fireworks in November, summer holidays in July and August). How many months are there in a year?



Review activity: Explore the number fact families for 18 and write down 2 addition and 2 subtraction number sentences for each problem.

Main activity: Today’s activity is to learn about clocks and time. Do you have any clocks or watches in your home? What numbers can you see on the clock face? Analogue clocks are usually circular and have the numbers 1 to 12 around the clock face (some clocks may not). Digital clocks have 2 sets of numbers separated by two dots. Time on clocks can be measured in seconds, minutes and hours. There are 60 seconds in one minute. There are 60 minutes in one hour. There are 24 hours in one day. Ask an adult to time one minute to show you how long it is. Get them to time another minute and see how many star jumps you can do in one minute. How many times can you write your name in one minute?



Review activity: Look at the problem solving sheet. Can you solve the 4 maths problems?

Main activity: Today’s activity is to learn about telling the time. On an analogue clock there are usually two or three hands which go round. Explain that the short hand is the hour hand and tells you what hour it is. The long hand is the minute hand and tells you how many minutes past the hour it is. Some clocks have a hand to show how many seconds have passed in that minute. Today we are learning about times where the minute hand is pointing at 12. This means that a new hour has just started and is called the o’clock. For example where the minute hand points at 12 and the hour hand is pointing at 9 we say it is 9 o’clock. Practice reading o’clock times. You can also make your own clock using the template in this pack. There is also a worksheet that you can try to complete.

Wider Curriculum

Please pick activities of your choice from the Wider Curriculum Home Learning Matrix which is with this letter. 

Don’t forget to share pictures of your completed work with me or any other activities you have been doing. The class email is:


Best wishes and stay safe.


Mrs Pring