Term 3 Week 2
What Lilac Class are doing for this week WB 11.1.21
What we are doing this week in Lilac Class
WB: 11.1.21
In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will begin our new block of learning that is about multiplication and division. This block will build on and develop your child’s times tables knowledge. This week we will be learning about multiples, factors and common factors.
In English, we are going to start our first piece of extended writing that will take several sessions to complete. This piece of writing will focus on the first chapter of Street Child by Berlie Doherty entitled ‘The Shilling Pie’. The children are to write in the first person and will imagine that they are Jim Jarvis (the central character), exploring his thoughts and feelings. For Guided Reading this week, Lilac Class will be reading Chapters 2 and 3 and answering comprehension questions. The focus is to think about the actions of characters and why they behave the way they do. For Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar activities the children will continue to work through their Talk for Writing Booklet ‘The Ultimate Guide to Elves and Sprites’ by Pie Corbett. They will also be completing activities about apostrophes and parenthesis using commas, brackets and dashes to indicate the use of additional information.
In RE, we will be continuing our work about Moses in our exploration of our Big Question ‘How can following God bring freedom and justice?’ This week we will be examining why God’s people needed freedom and justice and will learn about the suffering of the Israelites in Egypt.
For our Topic this week Lilac Class are finishing their work about Queen Victoria. We will be categorising information about her under these areas: Ancestors, Family Life, Royal Duties and her Personality. We will then create our own ‘Queen Victoria Quiz!’. In Science, we will start our topic entitled ‘Properties and Changing of Materials’. This session will begin by sorting materials and objects according to their properties. For example, whether they are waterproof, magnetic, are made through a reversible change or an irreversible change, are a conductor, are flammable, transparent, opaque or they are an insulator.