Term 2 Week 4

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 25.11.24
What we are learning this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 25.11.24
In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we are learning about converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa, using objects and diagrams to support our learning. We are then comparing and ordering fractions less than 1 where the denominator is the same or where one denominator is a multiple of the other. Lilac Class will be using bar models, fraction walls and number lines to see the relative sizes of the fractions. We will then be moving onto fractions greater than 1.
In English this week in Lilac Class, we are levelling up and improving our non-chronological report about the different layers of a tropical rainforest using the features of report writing. Our reports will inform the reader about how rainforests are structured and what groups of animals live in the different layers. During our Whole Class Reading of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis we are reading Chapter 12 this week. We are exploring the reader’s first impression of Aslan and how the children initially respond to him. We will also be thinking about how C.S. Lewis creates tension in this chapter.
In RE, we are considering what a Messiah would think of our world today. If God sent another messenger to Earth today what would he say about our world and how would our world respond to him? In French, we are designing menus for a French Café and learning ‘greeting words’ such as ‘Bienvenue’ – welcome, ‘Merci beaucoup’ – thank you very much and ‘ À bientôt’ – see you soon to use when designing a poster to advertise our Café.
In Time and Place, we are exploring the Mayan number system and we will be learning about how the Maya invented and used their calendars. Lilac Class are learning about the Mayan calendar that was split into 3 parts: the Tzalkin (a day calendar), the Haab (the month calendar. There were more than 12 months because some had shorter days) and the long count calendar (measures longer periods of time. Each cycle lasts 2,880,000 days).
In ICT, we are using our ipads to experiment with different camera angles. Lilac Class will use a storyboard to explore a variety of filming techniques. They will evaluate the effectiveness of these techniques.
For Science in Lilac Class, we will be explaining how air resistance affects moving objects through conducting an investigation. We will be timing how long it takes 3 parachutes to hit the ground. Each parachute is made of the same material but is a different size. In Art, we are finishing off painting our Mayan pottery based on original Mayan artefacts. We will be using the colours, patterns and designs of the Mayan craftsman.