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Term 2 Week 3

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 18.11.24

What we are learning this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 18.11.24

In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will be finding fractions equivalent to a unit fraction and a non-unit fraction.  We will then be moving onto recognising equivalent fractions using our knowledge of common factors and multiples to establish whether fractions are equivalent.  We are also exploring the multiplicative relationship between the numerator and the denominator.  Lilac Class will then start to learn about converting improper fractions to mixed numbers using objects and diagrams to support our learning.

In English this week in Lilac Class we are drafting our non-chronological report about the different layers of a tropical rainforest using the features of report writing.  For example, using subheadings to organise information and fronted adverbials to introduce information.  Our reports will inform the reader about how rainforests are structured and what groups of animals live in the different layers. For our Whole Class Guided Reading our text is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and we are reading Chapter 11 this week.  We will again be developing our inference skills by answering such questions as ‘Why does the Queen agree to give Edmund some food?’ and ‘Why is the Queen furious at the mention of Father Christmas?’  We will also be exploring the intention of the author by explaining how C.S Lewis switches from Winter to Spring and the effect this has on the reader. 

In RE, we are continuing with our analysis of texts from the Bible.  Lilac Class are examining reports from the scene of Jesus’s birth, referring directly to Matthew, Chapters 1 and 2.   In Time and Place, we are continuing with our work about the beliefs of the Ancient Mayan Civilisation.  This week Lilac Class are learning about the Mayan Creation Story and why maize was so important to the Ancient Mayan Civilisation.

In ICT, we are using ipads to experiment with different camera angles.  Lilac Class are learning about the features on a digital video recording device.  For Science in Lilac Class, we are identifying the different types of forces acting on an object such as water and air resistance, buoyancy and friction.  In Art, we will be painting our Mayan pottery, working from our sketches based on original Mayan artefacts.