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Term 6 Week 2

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.6.24

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class for the week beginning 10.6.24

For Maths in Lilac Class, we will be solving problems with coordinates where we will be working out the missing coordinates. We will then be translating shapes on a coordinate grid and be learning how to translate a shape to the left, right, up and down.  Lilac Class will also be identifying lines of symmetry in a 2D shape and investigating how a mirror helps you to find a line of symmetry.

In English this week in Lilac Class, we are starting to draft a dual narrative based on our reading of our supplementary text ‘Ice Trap!  Shackleton’s Incredible Expedition’ by Meredith Hooper.  The part of the text we are focusing on is where Endurance is trapped in the ice and is sinking.  As a class we have discussed the question ‘What should Shackleton and his men do now that the ship is sinking?’  In groups, we have acted out this situation and what the men did e.g. pulling lifeboats across the ice and carrying provisions from the sinking ship.  We will also draw on our ‘Hot Seating’ activity about this situation from the view point of the men and then from the perspective of Ernest Shackleton, their leader. 

For our Guided Reading text, Shackleton’s Journey by William Grill this week, we are reading pages 43 to 48. Lilac Class are using their inference skills when thinking about the impact of the double page picture on the reader and what we, as the reader can tell from this picture.  We will be using our retrieval skills to find out what Worsley used to navigate and why the crew’s condition was deteriorating and why they couldn’t wait for help on Elephant Island.  We will also be learning about what makes Cape Horn so dangerous. 

For RE in Lilac Class, we are continuing to find out about the role of the Mosque in the Muslim community and why the Mosque is important. We are also learning about the different features of the Mosque and what you would expect to find inside one. 

For Time and Place in Lilac Class, we are continuing to learn out about the different climate zones of India and finding out about biomes and vegetation belts.  We will learn what ‘highlands’, ‘humid’, subtropical’, ‘semi-arid’, ‘arid’ and ‘tropical wet’ mean.  We will also be finding out what ‘savannah’ means and where in India this biome can be located.  For Science in Lilac Class, we are learning about the process of reproduction in humans and comparing this with other mammals.  For Design and the Arts, we are planning seascapes using a range of different materials to create a variety of effects and textures.  We will be listening to Arnold Bax’s Symphonic Poem ‘Tintagel’ for inspiration and examining the mixed media design ‘Colourful Fish Swirl’ by the artist Nikki B who lives in Tintagel in Cornwall.

We will also be growing beans and part of a geranium plant (artificial reproduction) in our classroom and observing what happens over the next few weeks! 

In ICT we are applying what we have learnt about vector drawing and reflecting on the skills we have used and why we have used them.  Lilac Class are also rehearsing the songs for the Tunbridge Wells Singing Festival that will take place at the Assembly Halls on Monday 10th June.