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Term 4 Week 3

What we are doing for the wb. 8.3.21

What we are doing this week in Lilac Class

WB: 8.3.21

This week will be very much a ‘settling in’ week and I am really looking forward to having all of Lilac Class back and seeing everyone again. I have thoroughly enjoyed our live google meet session and children have been clearly working very hard with their home learning.  We have missed you all so much!  In Maths this week in Lilac Class, we will be consolidating our work about the formal written method for multiplication and will then revisit dividing 2, 3 and 4 digits by 1 digit. This will then lead onto dividing numbers by 1 digit when there will be a remainder. 

In English, Lilac Class are going to plan and start to draft a non-chronological report about working Victorian children. We will focus on using a formal tone, factual and technical language and the present tense in addition to the use of bullet points and sub-headings to present our information. In Guided Reading, we are now reading Chapters 16 and 17 of ‘Street Child’. Lilac Class will be explaining the reasons for a character’s actions and summarising key events that have taken place.    

In RE, Lilac Class will finish designing their Humanist building as well as exploring the question:  ‘Why is happiness important to Humanists?’

For our Topic this week, Lilac Class will continue to learn about health, medicine and disease in Victorian times and the progress that made in health care during Queen Victoria’s reign. In Art, we will finish our designs inspired by the work of William Morris and for DT we will start to create our own Victorian Cookbook based on the recipes of Mrs Beeton.   

For those of you that are continuing to learn from home, please contact the class email address directly to let me know that you need home learning activities set for you. Many thanks.