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Wednesday 3rd March

Daily plans for Wednesday 3rd March 2021

3.3.21     *REMEMBER YOUR CHALLENGE AND TO DIP INTO YOUR ‘MY FAMOUS VICTORIAN’ PROJECT.  Thank you to all of you who have so far sent in project work. I have learnt so much!  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.





Copy out each of your spellings 5 times and then on a different piece of paper, write each one out one by one, covering them up and then check that you have written them correctly.  If you have spelt a word incorrectly, do the same thing again until you have written it correctly. Write a word as a pyramid if you are having trouble learning how to spell it.  

government   hindrance   identity   interfere   interrupt   language


2. Maths

Today we are continuing to learn to multiply 4-digits by 2-digits using a formal written method.  Please watch the next White Rose Learning Video about multiplying 4-digits by 2-digits.  The link is – remember to work through the questions. I have uploaded the worksheet and answers that accompany this video.  Please remember to pause the video to give yourself time to answer the questions.   



1. Please continue with your draft of A Diary Account of a Victorian Schoolchild. Make sure you refer to the features of a diary account checklist

2.  Please finish all your Talk for Writing activities. 



3.  Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  Remember to read the e-book Ollie and the Great Stink.


For your 30 minutes Guided Reading Session I would like you to start the reading comprehension questions for Chapters 14 and 15 of ‘Street Child’.  Please stop when you get to the additional questions.   You will need to reread passages of the text to find your answers. 


4.  Topic

Today we are learning about health, medicine and disease during the Victorian times.  All I would like you to do today is to read through the slides I have uploaded and jot down any facts that you find interesting.  We will be doing more work about this next week when we are all in school.