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Tuesday 2nd March

Daily plan for Tuesday 2nd March 2021


*REMEMBER TO DIP INTO YOUR ‘MY FAMOUS VICTORIAN’ PROJECT.  Thank you to all of you who have so far sent in project work. I have learnt so much!  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.



1. Maths

Today and tomorrow, we will be consolidating our learning about multiplying 4-digits by 2-digits.  Please work through the White Rose Learning Video with the link called New Content Multiply 4-digits by 2-digits (basic practice). I have uploaded the worksheet to accompany the learning video. Please have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to jot down your answers and working out.  Remember to pause the videos when you need to do calculations and give yourself plenty of time.  If you have not already done so, please finish at least the Varied Fluency worksheets from yesterday.  #

2. English

1. Today, I would like you to start drafting your diary account of a Victorian Schoolchild.  Please use your planning you did last week.  I asked you to use information from the slides and ideas from our discussion we had during our live google meet session.  We focused on some pages from the book ‘You Wouldn’t Want to Be a Victorian Schoolchild’ by John Malam.  Remember to include the features of a diary account that are written below and tick them off as you go.  Here is your checklist:


1. Include date and /or time the entry is written

2. Write in the first person

3.  Use the past tense

4.  Tell events in chronological order

5.  Include personal feelings and emotions

6.  Use paragraphs to organise your writing

7.  Use time fronted adverbials, for example Eventually, Next, After that, After a while, Always, Afterwards, Later, Immediately, Before long


3.For your ‘Talk for Writing’ please make sure that you have finished all of the activities.



4.  Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  Read through all of the e-book Ollie and the Great Stink.


For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to read Chapters 14 and 15 with your grown up as a paired reading activity.  Take turns and talk about any tricky words that you find and what you think they may mean, looking carefully at the sentence they are in.  



For your PE session today that you can do at home, I would like to watch and work through Lesson 9 ‘Fast Feet’.  The link is

Then click on #This is PE just below the screen on the left hand side.  You will then see the selection of lessons come up.  Click on Lesson 9 ‘Fast Feet’.



As part of STEM Week, Year 5 are gong to take part in a workshop from entitled Liquid Nitrogen. The session starts at 2:20pm and runs until 3:10pm. 

This session will be led by Mr James Tate, Head of Physics at Sevenoaks School.  Liquid nitrogen will be used to explore the fascinating world of cryogenics and we will be learning what happens when items are cooled down by 200°C.  Lilac Class will see how materials behave in ways you never thought possible!  

To access this workshop, start by following this link:

Sevenoaks School Outreach Activities: STEMagination Week 2021

Click on Tuesday 2nd March Events. Then scroll down to the Liquid Nitrogen workshop. Click on the Teams Event Live Link. It will take you to this page: 

Feel free to download the App if you wish. Alternatively, you can still watch the session by watching it on a web browswer instead.