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Monday 1st March

Daily plans for Monday 1st March 2021

1.3.21   *REMEMBER TO DIP INTO YOUR ‘MY FAMOUS VICTORIAN’ PROJECT.  Remember to send in what you have done for your project so far!  I will love to see it!  Thank you to all of you who have done this already.  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.


1. English

1. Here are our new spellings for the week. This week we are learning some of our tricky words from the Year 5 and 6 Spelling List. Copy out each of our new spellings neatly, 5 times each, to help you learn the spellings and as a Handwriting activity. To help you learn the spellings write them as a ‘Spelling Pyramid’.   Remember how you must join up your letters: Cursive 10 lower case alphabet

government    hindrance   identity   interfere   interrupt   language  

Now put each spelling into a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of each word.  If you are unsure of the meaning of a word remember to look it up in a dictionary.  Can you put a comparative conjunction in your sentence, for example as well as, also, equally, similarly, likewise?  Can you use a contrasting conjunction, for example, alternatively, although, whereas, while, in contrast, however, despite?  Can you write a relative clause using a relative pronoun, for example that, who, whom, which, whatever, where?  Can you include some speech marks in your sentences?  What other words for ‘said’ can you use? For example, answered, replied, shouted, whispered, sighed, shrieked.  ‘Street Child’ is full of dialogue and has many examples in the text.  Can you include a modal verb or an expanded noun phrase? Remember to use a range of punctuation.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THESE IN EACH SENTENCE.


2.  For your Talk for Writing ‘Wonderful Wizards!’ please make sure that you have finished all the activities.

2.  Maths

Today our lesson is a google meet live session and will be at 11.15. We are learning to multiply 4-digits by 2-digits.  Please make sure you have a pen/pencil and a piece of paper.  This will involve an oral/mental starter and my teacher input in the form of some power point slides.  Your main activity will be Classroom Secrets worksheets with answers that accompany these slides.  I have uploaded the rest of the power point slides for you and Varied Fluency worksheets with answers. Please work through your usual sheets.   If you feel confident, I have also uploaded Reasoning and Problem Solving worksheets with answers.  Again, please work through your usual sheets.

2.  English

1. Here are our new spellings for the week.  This week we are learning to spell tricky words from our Year 5 and 6 Spelling List.  Copy out each of our new spellings neatly, 5 times each, to help you learn the spellings and as a Handwriting activity. To help you learn the spellings write them as a ‘Spelling Pyramid’.   Remember how you must join up your letters: Cursive 10 lower case alphabet

government   hindrance   identity   interfere   interrupt   language

Now put each spelling into a sentence to show that you understand the meaning of each word.  If you are unsure of the meaning of a word remember to look it up in a dictionary.  Can you put a comparative conjunction in your sentence, for example as well as, also, equally, similarly, likewise?  Can you use a contrasting conjunction, for example, alternatively, although, whereas, while, in contrast, however, despite?  Can you write a relative clause using a relative pronoun, for example that, who, whom, which, whatever, where?  Can you include some speech marks in your sentences?  What other words for ‘said’ can you use? For example, answered, replied, shouted, whispered, sighed, shrieked.  ‘Street Child’ is full of dialogue and has many examples in the text.  Can you include a modal verb or an expanded noun phrase? Remember to use a range of punctuation.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO INCLUDE ALL OF THESE IN EACH SENTENCE.


2.  For your Talk for Writing ‘Wonderful Wizards!’ please complete page 20 ‘Crazy quotes’.   This is an opportunity for you to show off your knowledge of how to punctuate direct speech!


3.  Reading 

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!   Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  When you log onto Purple Mash you will see that I have given you all of the e-book ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’ to read.


I have uploaded a Learning Video of me reading Chapters 14 and 15 of ‘Street Child’.  I would like you to follow the text as I read, please.  You can then read it independently. This is the link:



















Our RE lesson today will be a live google meet session and will be at 1.30.  Please can you have your Diocese Plans in front of you.  We will be discussing the activities for Week 2 ‘What do Humanists value?’