Wednesday 10th February
Daily plans for Wednesday 10th February
10.2.21 *REMEMBER YOUR CHALLENGE AND TO DIP INTO YOUR ‘MY FAMOUS VICTORIAN’ PROJECT. Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for. I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done. I am seeing more and more projects. They are super. Well done! Thank you.
PREPARATION!! Our Science lesson this afternoon at 1.30 will be a live google meet session and I would like you to take part! You will need the following:
4 identical glasses
A tea spoon
Access to cold, warm and hot water (not boiling). Please get help from an adult to get this.
In addition, please find out the meanings of the following terms prior to the lesson:
dissolve solid liquid solution solute solvent mixture
Copy out each of your spellings 5 times and then on a different piece of paper write each one out one by one covering them up and then check that you have written them correctly. If you have spelt a word incorrectly do the same thing again until you have written it correctly. Write a word as a pyramid if you are having trouble learning how to spell it. shield pierce receipt protein ceiling patient receive obedient neighbour sovereign
2. Maths
Today we are learning to find the area of irregular shapes. Please watch the White Rose Learning Video working through the questions. I have uploaded the worksheet and answers that accompany this video. Please remember to pause the video when you need to do calculations and give yourself plenty of time. If you feel confident I have also uploaded Classroom Secrets Power Point Slides and Varied Fluency Area of Irregular Shapes worksheets with answers. These are very tricky. Start with the easiest sheets first!
3. English
1. Please use this session to finish your poem. Perform your poem to a grown up and put lots of expression into your reading. Bring them to life! Listen to my Learning Video again of me reading the two workhouse poems.
2. Continue with your new ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet. Please complete page 16 ‘Now advertise your own school!’
3. Reading
Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes! When you log onto Purple Mash you will see that I have given you an e-book to read ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’. You have until after half term to read Chapters 1 and 2.
Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes! For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to start the reading comprehension questions for Chapters 10 and 11 of ‘Street Child’. Please stop when you get to the additional questions. Questions 1-4 need quite detailed answers.
You will need to reread passages of the text to find your answers.
4. Science
Today will be a live google meet session. Please make sure you have everything you need. Read what the experiment involves below and make a prediction as to what will happen to the sugar when the water is added. Record your prediction on the sheet that I have uploaded for you. Use some of the scientific language that I wanted you to find the definition of before the lesson that is at the beginning of this blog. Here is what I would like you to do:
Put 4 glasses that are exactly the same in a row and put 2 teaspoons of sugar in each glass. Then fill each one with the same amount of water. However, 2 glasses are filled with cold water, 1 with warm and 1 with hot (not boiling). Stir 1 glass that is filled with cold water.
Now write up your results and explanation for them on the record sheet considering the following questions – remember to use scientific language:
- What happened to the sugar in each glass?
- How does the temperature of the water affect the amount of solid that dissolves in water?
- How does stirring the water affect the amount of solid that dissolves in water?