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Friday 5th February

Daily plans for Friday 5th February

5.2.21      * Remember to dip into your project about a famous Victorian of your choice when you have finished an activity and have some spare time. LOOK OUT EVERY FRIDAY FOR A CLASS CHALLENGE THAT WILL BE PUT ONTO OUR CLASS BLOG BY MR MACKINNON!  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done. Artwork would be lovely too! Thank you.



1.Grammar activity

Please complete the second worksheet about noun phrases entitled ‘Application and Reasoning’. Work from your usual sheet and remember that answers are given.  

2. Maths

1. Please watch the White Rose Learning Video Calculate Perimeter.  The link is  Please remember to    regularly pause the video to work through some of the calculations.  I have uploaded Calculate Perimeter worksheets and answers.


2. Today I would also like you to complete the set MyMaths and Purple Mash activities.  I have set you 1 MyMaths activity entitled Perimeter and on Purple Mash 2 activities entitled Square and Cube Numbers and Common Factors, Multiples and Primes.  For Purple Mash please only do the activities that are set by me with a due date. Carry on with your Times Tables Rockstars.  The due date is next Friday, 12.2.21.


3.  English

1. If you have not done so, finish your levelling up of ‘Life in the Workhouse’. Make sure that your writing is the best you can do then send it to me.  I would like this writing to go onto our class blog so remember to also illustrate your work. 

2. Continue with your new ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet.  ‘Wonderful Wizards’ by Maria Richards.  Today I would like you to complete pages 12 and 13 ‘Weasel phrases’ and ‘bossy verbs’.



4. Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to go over your answers with a grown up for Chapters 8 and 9 of ‘Street Child’. 


5.  Finish any work that you have not completed this week.

6. Art

This work will be for this week and next week.  I have attached photos of landscape paintings by some British Victorian artists – Myles Foster, George Boyce, John North and Thomas Seddon. As you can see, they are very different from Van Gogh.  Why are they so different?  Look carefully at these and choose one that you especially like. Draw and colour it using whatever colouring materials you have – paint, felt pens, coloured pencils etc… 

I have also uploaded a power point about William Morris.  Create a fact file about him using some of the information and pictures from the slides.  Copy a few of his designs.  Why do you think he gave them these names?