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Friday 29th January

Daily plans for Friday 29th January 2021

29.1.21      * Remember to dip into your project about a famous Victorian of your choice when you have finished an activity and have some spare time. LOOK OUT EVERY FRIDAY FOR A CLASS CHALLENGE THAT WILL BE PUT ONTO OUR CLASS BLOG BY MR MACKINNON!  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.



1.Grammar activity

Please complete the second worksheet about modal verbs entitled ‘Application and Reasoning’. Work from your usual sheet and remember that answers are given.  

2. Maths

1. Today I would like you to complete your set My Maths and Purple Mash activities.  You may also need to use this session to complete any work that I have set you this week.   I have set you 2 MyMaths activities multiplying by 10 and 100 and dividing by 10 and 100 and on Purple Mash an activity entitled ‘Sorting Multiples Venn Diagrams’.  For Purple Mash please only do the activities that are set by me with a due date. Carry on with your Times Tables Rockstars.  The due date is next Friday, 5.2.21.

3.  English

1. Please complete your writing entitled ‘Life in the Workhouse’ using your notes and prompt questions that I gave you yesterday. 

2.  Continue working through your new ‘Talk for Writing’ Booklet.  The pages are not numbered.  Please number them.  There are 31 pages.  Today I would like you to read the text ‘Welcome to the School of Wizardry’. This is an advert so the purpose of the text is to persuade the reader to go there.  Look at the next page that tells you the definition of some of the words.  You do not need to fill in the bottom of the page.  Your written task is to complete the ‘Which synonym? table.  Remember that synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings.  


4. Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to go over your answers with a grown up for Chapters 6 and 7 of ‘Street Child’. 


5.  Finish any work that you have not completed this week.

6. Art

The famous Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh lived in Victorian London between 1873 and 1874.  Find out some facts about him and his paintings.  Look carefully at ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Wheat Field with Cypresses’- (one of a series of paintings known as ‘Wheat Fields’) and examine the colours and patterns.  Also look at how he uses his paint brush. I have uploaded these paintings for you.  Also, look at the British artists that painted landscapes during the Victorian period. For example, Hollman Hunt, Thomas Seddon and George Boyce, to name but a few.  How is their work different from Van Gogh’s work?  Using colour pencils, felt tip pens or paints to create your own version of ‘Starry Night’ or ‘Wheat Field with Cypresses’.