Term 1, week 2
Welcome to this week’s blog post! Each week, you will find details of the main activities your children will be undertaking, together with any additional information you may find useful. Please note, homework is listed in a separate blog post.
In English this week, we will continue to base our learning on the book, The Artist, by Ed Vere, a delightful book about a brave little artist who shares her creativity with the world. The children will be writing their thoughts and ideas, finishing some artwork and building on own stories, based on the text.
Our Whole Class Reading this week will be the lyrics of the song ‘How Far I’ll Go’, from the film Moana. Always a popular choice, the children will discuss the vocabulary included in the lyrics and answer comprehension questions, both as a group, in pairs and independently.
In Maths the main focus will continue to be Place Value, initially looking at representing numbers to 100, before moving on to partitioning numbers.
We will continue our Topic work this week, further investigating what is meant by prehistoric and discussing what we already know about the Stone Age.
In Science, we will be identifying and grouping rocks, whilst in computing, we will continue learning about computer networking.
Mrs Johnson will be teaching the children RE on Wednesday, continuing this week with People of God - making clear links between the story of Noah and the idea of covenant.
PE is on a Monday and Friday this term, and we will be continuing the Tag Rugby unit. We will develop this further this week. Please ensure your child has their full PE kit in school.
Reading records were sent out last week, so please let me know if your child has not arrived home with theirs! Ideally, children should read to an adult daily. If you feel a book sent home is either too hard or too easy, however, please do get in touch. The levels will initially be based on the advice from the Year two team.
If you have any questions, at any point in the year, please email the class email: maple@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk. For any urgent messages, please email the main office email.
Kind regards
Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team