This Week's Learning
Term 1 Week 6
In English and Communication this week, we are creating first-person recounts from the point of view of Samuel Pepys. We will take the simple sentences that we created last week and use adverbial phrases to add detail. We will also use show and tell techniques to provide details of how Pepys felt on the night the Great Fire of London started.
In Phonics, we will use 'y' to make the /igh/ sound. For example, in words like by, try, dry, sky, fly, sly, spy and reply. Our tricky words for the week are 'floor' and 'door'. Our grammar focus for the week is to use capital letters at the start of sentences and full stops at the end of sentences.
In Maths, we are going to begin our addition and subtraction unit of work. We will begin by exploring number-bonds to 10 and fact-families up to 20.
In Science and Computing, we will begin to explore our Material Properties unit of work. We will also complete a computing session based around using IT safely.
We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE, RE and Design and the Arts sessions as well. If you have any questions about these activities or any other matter relating to our learning, please contact us using the class email address.