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This Week's Learning

Term 6 Week 2

In English this week, we will be completing our pieces of recount writing. 

In Phonics we are going to focus on using 'tion' to make the /shun/ sound. e.g. action, motion, description, station, section, adoption, fiction. Our grammar focus is on editing simple sentences, using verbs, adverbs and expanded noun phrases to improve sentences. 

In Maths we are going to focus on developing our addition skills. We are also going to practise the 5 times table. 

In Science, we are going to focus on animal adaptation. We will complete a scientific investigation exploring the camouflage of butterflies. In Computing, we will use data presentation software to present the data we collected on the school trip last week. 

In Time and Place, we are going to locate Vietnam on the world map and use directional vocabulary to explain where it is. We are also going to generate questions that we would like to find out about Vietnam. 

We will also complete Guided Reading, PHSCE, RE, PE and Design and the Arts lessons as well. If you would like to know more about any of these activties, please do not hesitate to contact us using the class email address.