Phonics Home Learning
Term 1 Week 6
This week we are focusing on when 'y' makes the 'igh' sound. Please find attached a parent guide and pupil work book to practise this skill.
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This week we are focusing on when 'y' makes the 'igh' sound. Please find attached a parent guide and pupil work book to practise this skill.
This week we are focusing on counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start by watching this Home Learning video:
Y2 Autumn Block 1 TS15 Count in 2s 5s and 10s on Vimeo
Now have a go at the attached worksheet. We have also added the answers so you can check your own work.
In English, this week we are going to put ourselves into the shoes of Samuel Pepys. We are going to start writing a diary entry from his perspective on the night that the Great Fire started. We will focus on using simple sentences to retell the events of the night before using adverbial phrases to enhance these sentences.
In Phonics, we are going to focus on spelling words which us 'y' to make the 'igh' sound. For example: by, try. fly. sky, sly, dry, my. Our grammar focus will be to use capital letters at the start of sentences and full stops at the end of sentences.
In Maths, we are going to complete our Place Value unit by focusing on counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. We will then complete problem-solving activities designed to deepen our understanding of the concept of Place Value.
In Science and Computing, we will turn our attention towards materials. We will think of as many different materials as possible and then begin to consider how materials can be sorted according to their properties.
We will also complete Mastering Number, Guided Reading, PE, RE and Design and the Arts activities as well. If you have any questions about these activities, please contact us using the class email address.
Asu investigated materials as part of her Science and Computing Home Learning.
Here is the invasion game that Tilly invented as part of her Sports, Exercise and Health Home Learning.
Sophia read a book called How to Make a Paper Rocket and then decided that she would use what she had read to make her own rocket.
Here is a picture of Mr M and Ajus playing the amazing game that Ajus invented!
We have had so much fantastic home learning sent in to us over the last two weeks that we can't possibly keep up. Here are some of the amazing creations that Beech Class have sent in!
This is from Dexter!
Lilly Bell
This week, we are learning to compare and order objects and numbers. If you would like to practise these skills at home, try watching these learning videos:
Y2 Autumn Block 1 TS14 Order objects and numbers on Vimeo
This week we would like you to create sentences to describe the Great Fire of London. You can find all the details in the attached documents.
In English this week, we will be focussing on using prepositional phrases to add detail to our descriptive sentences. We will also be exploring how we can use show and tell sentences to let our audience know how a character is feeling.
In Guided Reading we are continuing to focus on The Tin Forest with a focus on retrieval, inference and vocabulary questions.
In Maths, we will complete some quick 'readiness' assessments to make sure we are all ready to move on to the next unit of study focussing on addition and subtraction. For those who are not quite ready, we will complete activities designed to revisit and cement the Yr1 curriculum. We will also complete our learning about Place Value by comparing numbers and counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In Science and Computing, we will revisit the advantages and disadvantages of using Information Technology before gaining first-hand experience of how a computer system is used in a shop.
We will also complete Mastering Number, Phonics, Design and the Arts and PE sessions as well. If you have any questions about any of these activities, please contact us via the class email.
This week we are going to look at the following tricky words. Please practise reading and spelling them.