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Term 2 Week 5

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 2nd December 2024.

This week in Phonics we will be learning about the ‘u-e’ and ‘e-e’ split digraph sounds. We will also be reading the words ‘called’ and ‘asked’ and writing the words ‘what’ and ‘oh’.

In Maths, we will be learning about 2D shapes. This week we will be recognising and naming shapes and sorting them into groups.

In English, we will be writing instructions on how to plant a seed.

In RE, the class will be talking about what we are personally thankful for as Christmas approaches.

In our Art lesson, we will be making decorations to sell at the PTFA Christmas Fair, which is on the afternoon of 13th December.

In our Computing lesson, we will be using coloured dots to create a sunflower picture in the style of Georges Seurat.

This week, Willow class has PE on Thursday morning only. Please make sure your child has their full PE kit in school.

We will also be rehearsing for the KS1 Nativity play this week. We are looking forward to performing our play on 11th and 12th December at 2pm on both days. Please could all costumes be in school by Wednesday 4th December.

Willow Class will be walking to the Royal Victoria Place theatre on 13th December to see the show "Fearless Fox and the Christmas Star." We will be leaving school at around 10.15am and will be back in time for lunch. If you are available to accompany us, please let Mrs Pring know as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (