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Term 6 Week 4

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 24th June 2024.

In our main Maths lessons we will be learning about money and time. This week we will be learning to recognise different coins and notes and ordering the months of the year. As part of our fluency work we will be recalling subtraction number facts.

In English, the children will be learning some nursery rhymes and performing them in class.

In RE, we will be listening to the Buddhist story of the Monkey King. We will then complete some activities linked to this.

In Computing, we will be adding extra sprites to our programs.

In Art, we will be finishing off our clay flowers, painting pictures of flowers and making flowers from pipe cleaners.

In PE on Monday morning and Thursday morning we will be continuing to practise for sports day.

This week we will also be starting to learn some French phrases, such as how to say hello and goodbye.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (