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Term 4 Week 6

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 25th March 2024.

In English, we will be continuing to write our Traction Man story. This week we will be writing the middle and ending of our Traction Man adventure.  

In our Phonics lessons we will be learning about words containing the ‘er’ suffix, such as louder and quicker, and the ‘est’ suffix, such as loudest and quickest. We will also be reading the words ‘beautiful’ and ‘treasure’, and writing the words ‘Monday’ and ‘Tuesday’.

In Maths, we will be finishing our work on capacity and doing some maths fluency work on number bonds.

In Art, we will be finishing our wave pictures and creating other ocean pictures. As part of our work on seasonal change, we will be discussing how we know that spring is here and looking at our weather chart. In RE we will be finishing off our work on why Easter matters to Christians.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (