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Term 1 Week 3

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 18th September 2023. 

In Science we will be discussing our 5 senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching) and in English we will be writing simple sentences about our senses (I like to see…, I like to hear…, I like to smell…).

In Phonics, we will be learning to read and write words containing the ‘oy’ digraph (such as boy, toy and royal). We will also be reading the words ‘would’ and ‘want’ and writing the words ‘have’ and ‘like’.

In Maths we will be continuing to focus on the numbers 0 to 10. This week we will be finding one more than numbers to 10, counting backwards from 10 and finding one less than numbers to 10.

In RE we will be discussing what the story of the Lost Son means to Christians and how they put their belief that God is a forgiving and loving Father into practise in their worship.

In PE the children will be continuing to develop their ball control skills ready to play team games later in the term.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (