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Term 6 Week 4

Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 26th June 2023.

In our main phonics lessons we will be learning about words containing an unspoken ‘e’, such as give, freeze, dance and mouse. We will also be reading the words ‘know’ and ‘colour’ and writing the words ‘April’ and ‘July’.

In our main Maths lessons we will be learning about money. This week we will be learning to recognise different coins and notes and counting in coins. As part of our fluency work we will be recalling subtraction number facts.

In English, we will be continuing to look at the book Meerkat Mail by Emily Gravett and writing letters and postcards based on this.

In RE, we will be listening to the Buddhist story of the Monkey King. We will then complete some activities linked to this.

As part of our Time and Place work, we will be talking about the continent of Asia and discussing some of its human and physical features.

In Art, we will be finishing off our clay flowers and looking at patterns in nature.

In PE on Wednesday morning and Thursday morning we will be continuing to play team games.

If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (