Term 2 Week 3
What we are doing in Lilac Class for the wb.15.11.21
What we are doing this week in Lilac Class
WB: 15.11.21
For Maths in Lilac Class this week, we are using our knowledge of addition and subtraction to solve multi-step problems. The problems will appear in different contexts and in different forms i.e. bar models and word problems. We will then be moving onto our new block of learning entitled ‘Statistics’. This week Lilac Class are interpreting charts and will revisit how to use bar charts, pictograms and tables to interpret and present discrete data.
For English this week, we are planning our new piece of work that is a non-chronological report about a tropical rainforest. Our focus is to organise and categorise information and to use sub-headings effectively. We will need to use factual and technical language and write in the third person to ensure our report sounds formal and impersonal.
Our Whole Class Guided Reading text this term is ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ by C.S. Lewis. We are reading Chapter Ten this week. The Witch’s magic is weakening and the children meet Father Christmas. We are summarising events and explaining the purpose of this chapter.
In RE this week, we are examining texts from the Bible - ‘The Birth of Jesus: Matthew Chapter 1’ and ‘The Wise Men: Matthew Chapter 2’. Lilac Class are going to highlight some of the evidence in the texts that led Christians to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
In Science this week, we are explaining why the Sun appears to move across the sky and will be making sundials for our experiment. We will be making a prediction about what will happen to the shadow on our sundial during the morning when we place it in a sunny part of the classroom. We will be using our knowledge we have gathered during our Science topic so far. In ICT this week, we are starting our unit of work about data and spreadsheets. In Topic, Lilac Class are learning about the Mayan number system and will be writing a selection of Mayan words. We will also be finding out about the glyphs for each month in the Mayan Haab calendar and designing Mayan calendars. In Art, we are making Mayan pottery out of clay based on our designs we created last week that were inspired by real Mayan artefacts.