Term 5 Week 1
Here is an outline of your learning in Chestnut Class for term 5 week 1
Welcome to Term 5!
This week our spelling focus will be words with the ‘s’ sound that is written as ‘sc’. We will also continue practising words that appear on the statutory year 3 and 4 list. Each child has a copy of this in the back of their homework book for reference.
In grammar sessions we will be covering some aspects of standard English. This will look at proper use of ‘were or was’, ‘did or done’ and ‘me or I’.
Our English lessons this term will be based on an adaptation of the epic poem Beowulf. This week we will be thinking about what ‘stock’ characters are, how to describe a hero character using superlatives and using the ‘power of 3’ for descriptions.
We will be continuing with The Boy who Grew Dragons as our whole class guided reading text.
In maths we will have a revision session on division and multiplication before we move on to correspondence problems. This will involve us working out the number of combinations we can make with a given number of variables. We will also be thinking about how we can use a systematic approach to this kind of problem.
We will begin our new topic, The Anglo Saxons, by looking at who invaded the British Isles and why. Over the next 2 terms we will be looking at many aspects of the Anglo Saxon settlement including how land was organised and used, everyday life, the introduction of Christianity and how we get our information on this period in history.
In science we are looking at animals, including humans, and will begin by looking at different teeth and their functions.
Our topic for the next 2 terms in RE will be Hinduism. This term we will focus on what Hindu people believe, beginning this week with a lesson on the origins of the religion.
As per previous terms, reading records will be checked on a Wednesday and homework is issued on Thursday and due in on Monday.