This Week's Learning

Term 3 Week 5
In English this week we are going to write instructions for Sir Jake- the hero in our class quest. We will use and apply the skills we earned to write our 'How to Make Mr M Angry' writing and apply them to this new context.
In Phonics, we will learn to spell the tricky words 'busy' and 'clothes' and focus on using 'al' and 'il' to make the 'l' sound.
In Guided Reading we are going to focus on a non-fiction book about Knights and Castles to help us build our bank of understanding on the subject.
In Maths, we are going to turn our attention towards Multiplication and Division. We will start by exploring equal and unequal groups. We will then focus on recording sets of equal groups using the + and x symbols.
In Science and Computing, we will continue to develop our programming skills by creating algorithms for floor robots.
In Time and Place, we will watch the following video to help us understand the difference between the fact and fiction of Knights and Castles.
Castles and Knights: The Legend of King Arthur - BBC Teach
We will also complete RE, PE, PHSCE and Design and the Arts activities. If you have any questions about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address:
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