Home Learning wc 26th September 2022
Maple Class Homework – 27th September 2022
(To be handed in by Monday 3rd October)
Maths – maths for this week is on the attached sheet
English – can be found on Purple Mash and involves writing instructions for chocolate crispy cakes. A simple recipe can be found online, or be adventurous and design your own!
Spellings – This week’s spellings are listed below. If you would like to practise them at home too, that would be great, and I have given you some strategies to try (e.g. rainbow writing and pyramids). If you are unsure which are your spellings, please ask!
Blue Group – straight, waist, campaign, claim, contain, praise, brain, complaint, faint and afraid.
Yellow and Green Groups – have, like, come, were, there, little, one, they, are and all.
Don’t forget to practise your times tables and do your reading!