Term 1 Week 6
Here is an outline of your learning for term 1 week 6
Term 1 Week 6 – overview
Ukulele lessons will continue with Mr Lawrence on Monday morning – the children are picking up their skills so quickly!
Spelling and grammar - We will be working on spelling more homophones and near homophones, as well as practising words from the statutory year 3 and 4 list. In grammar sessions, we will continue to work on tenses by switching from past to present, present to future etc.
In English we will resume our work on the book Escape from Pompeii. We will be using powerful verbs to describe the earth tremors that come before Vesuvius erupted. We will also pick out elements of the text that give clues about what was to come and finally write a recount of the eruption itself. All these skills will help us when we come to write our own volcano stories.
In Maths we will be revisiting rounding to the nearest 10 and 100 and then thinking about the rules for rounding to the nearest 1,000. We will additionally be counting in 25s and carrying out some problem solving linked to this.
We will be continuing our whole class guided reading of The Magic Finger. We will read the sixth section over several times together and discuss narrative, language and punctuation features before completing some questions on what we have read and understood. We mark our work as a whole class to give children a chance to talk through their answers and learn how to create a ‘model’ response to a particular question type.
In RE we will continue our work on Genesis by discussing the key themes in the story of The Fall and thinking of what temptation means.
Science children will continue their hands on work by creating circuits that light bulbs or activate buzzers.
Last week the children produced some SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL still life sketches and this week we will be working on mixing and using subdued paint tones in the style of Giorgio Morandi.
PE is on Monday afternoon with Mr Luckhurst.
Reading records have been sent home with most children choosing a book from the selection in class. All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class. Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on a Wednesday morning.
Homework will be issued this Thursday and is due in on the following Monday.
Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:
Have a lovely week!
Best wishes,
Mrs Barter