Term 6 Week 6
Here is an overview of our learning activities for week commencing 12th July 2021.
In Phonics we will be revisiting some letter sounds that the children need to practise (igh, ie, ir, er and ear). In English we will be looking at some poems and creating our own short poems. In Maths we will be revisiting counting in 5s, quarter and half turns, finding a half and quarter and solving problems with a missing number. In RE we will be learning about Shinto and its creation story. In Geography we will be learning about the 4 countries of the United Kingdom and writing some information about them. In Art we will be looking at the work of Alma Thomas and creating a picture using her style of painting.
If you have any questions or need help with anything please contact us using the class email address (willow@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk).