Monday 1st February 2021
Here is your learning for Monday 1st February 2021
Term 3 Week 5
Monday 1st February 2021
Good morning Chestnut Class!
Reading for 30 minutes. You can do this in shorter chunks if you wish. Please note down what you have read in your yellow reading record.
Spellings – Please visit this site: Word list activities: prefixes im, in, il and ir (
Go through the word list for the words with il, im, in and ir prefixes. Listen to the word being pronounced and given a definition. Then please complete the ‘look, say, cover, write’ sheet to practise spelling them.
Whole class reader – Please read Chapter 5 of The Iron Man. It is a very dramatic conclusion to the book! I have attached a pdf of this chapter with page numbers marked on it to help when you answer the comprehension questions later in the week. You may also like to listen to it being read too.
The Iron Man - Chapter 5 by Ted Hughes - YouTube
English – Goblinology page 23. Please read the Goblin Grass Cake recipe. It is all muddled up. Your job is to put it in the correct order. You will also need to add time adverbials to make the order even clearer. Remember, these are going to be words such as ‘first, next, finally’ etc.
Maths – Today we will be dividing by 100. Here is the link to the teaching video:
Aut4.10.4 - Divide by 100 on Vimeo
The question and answer sheets are attached to this blog post.
Maths fluency – Today I have set a game on Purple Mash. You need to navigate around the maze and collect only the numbers that feature in the 3 times table.
Topic – Please watch this lesson about how a community is a jigsaw of groups that fit together. You will then be asked to create your own jigsaw to reflect aspects of your own community.
We are a jigsaw (
Have a lovely day,
Mrs Barter