Term 1 Week 7
Our learning from week 7
This week has been full of exciting learning and activities!
In Phonics, we introduced the new sounds 'i' and 'n' while continuing to recap the previous sounds we've been practising. The children have also started to work on oral blending and segmenting, which is an important step in their phonics journey.
In Maths, we focused on the concepts of more than and fewer than. The children even got to take their maths learning outside, enjoying some practical activities in the outdoor classroom, which they loved!
In PE this week, we had a lot of fun using the parachute! The children became superheroes, shaking their "capes" (the parachute) and taking turns running underneath it. We also played other games that encouraged the children to work cooperatively with one another and share equipment. It was a great opportunity to build teamwork and have lots of fun together!
Religious Education
During RE, we explored the story of how God created the world and discussed why certain creatures were made. The children were very engaged and had lots of interesting ideas to share. The children then had a go at making their own jelly fish using paper plates and tissue paper.
All about me topic
Using the wonderful family pictures that our parents kindly provided, we discussed who was in our family and who is important to us. The children then drew pictures of who's in their family and what they look like.
Understanding the world
In Science, we explored the sense of smell. We discussed the difference between good and bad smells and talked about if it is okay to trust our nose when we eat something. The children had fun smelling different jars and trying to guess what each one contained and whether it was a goof or bad smell.
Star of the week: Congratulations to Laney, who is our star of the week. Laney will be taking home her certificate and Wilfred the Elephant to write in the book all about her week spent with Wilfred.
Please continue sending in your children in full PE kits with labelled jumpers on WEDNESDAY'S and FRIDAY'S. Please also remember to send in spare clothes for your child if you have not already. This is because we do not have enough spare clothes for multiple children if they need changing.
If you are reading with your child, please remember to record it in the reading record. We will only change your child's book if you have read with them 2 or more times in that week!
Any issues or concerns we need to know about, please speak to the Acorn team before and after school or email at: acorn@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk
Overall, it's been a busy and productive week of learning, and the children have enjoyed every moment!