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Term 1 Week 5

Our learning from week 5 

Home Learning: In Phonics this week we have begun learning and writing our sounds. The children have learnt 's' and 'a' sounds. Today they will be going home with 2 sheets of paper which display the sounds we have looked at and encourage activities for you and your child/children to complete at home. 

This week in Maths, we’ve continued working on our counting skills, focusing specifically on the composition of the number 3. The children were given various objects around the room to investigate whether they could make groups of 3. We’ve been using the stem sentence: "1 and another 1 and another 1 makes 3" to help reinforce this concept.

Understanding Ourselves
As part of our discussions on individuality, we explored how everyone looks different. Each child used a mirror to observe their facial features and then created fantastic self-portraits using paint sticks and paint. These amazing artworks are now proudly displayed on our class artwork board (see attached photo). The children have also been practising writing their names, using name cards to help guide them.

Religious Education
In RE this week, we talked about the significance of the Harvest Festival and why it is such an important time. We reflected on the meaning of giving thanks and how the festival helps us remember the importance of sharing and being grateful for what we have.

We visited the library again this week to change our library books. These books are to be read at home and returned on Thursdays to be changed. Please remember to put the book your child chooses in their book bag every Thursday!

Star of the week: Congratulations to Dyuthi, who is our star of the week. Dyuthi will be taking home her certificate and Wilfred the Elephant to write in the book all about her week spent with Wilfred.

Please continue sending in your children in full PE kits with labelled jumpers on WEDNESDAY'S and FRIDAY'S. Please also remember to send in spare clothes for your child if you have not already. This is because we do not have enough spare clothes for multiple children if they need changing. 

Thank you to those who have sent in photos for next week's discussion!

 Any issues or concerns we need to know about, please speak to the Acorn team before and after school or email at: