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Adverse Weather 

With the weather forecasting a change in temperature and possible snow this weekend, I thought I would share with you information regarding school procedures in relation to bad weather.

Every winter brings the possibility of snow and ice. Extreme bad weather can cause widespread and prolonged disruption. Schools are often affected, and it can be difficult to maintain an education service. As a fundamental principle, every effort will be made to keep schools open. However, our school may close due to ‘unavoidable’ circumstances. Those circumstances being that it is no longer safe for staff or pupils to be onsite.

We recognise that it is important our school remains open, so parents are able to work and pupils can continue to learn. St Barnabas’ Primary School will make every effort to prepare for severe snow/ice this winter by gritting, clearing access points etc.

How will we let you know if the school is closed?
However, if we do experience severe snow/ice resulting in hazardous conditions, we may have to take the decision to close the school. (I will endeavour to make this decision by 8am on the day). Once this decision has been made, we will notify parents via Arbor, the school Instagram page and the Kent Closures website. To determine whether our school is open or closed, please visit Search for the school in the search box.

The Kent Closures website can also be used to find out if other services in Kent are open or closed, such as nurseries, children’s centres and libraries. We also recommend parents sign up for email alerts on the Kent Closures website. This service will send an email alert to let parents know if St Barnabas is closed. Local radio will sometimes provide information of school closures.

Please visit for more information about gritting routes and travel issues around Kent so you can plan your journey.

Please note:
We will endeavour to make sure there is a safe path in the playground to get from the gate to the entrance - please take care.

Don’t forget suitable warm clothing – gloves, hats, scarves, wellies etc. or even a change of clothing.

·There maybe a need for your child to bring a packed lunch - we will let you know as soon as we can.

If St Barnabas school is closed due to adverse conditions, there will be NO Breakfast Club. Mrs Johnson will endeavour to contact any parents of children who normally attend Breakfast Club. However, you will appreciate that with the early start of Breakfast Club it may not be possible to get hold of everyone. If your child should arrive for Breakfast Club prior to any decision being made by the School, then we or the School will contact you as soon as possible to collect your child if required.

If you are a working parent or feel you may have a problem with a sudden earlier pick up, please could you put a back‐up plan in place with another family member or parent and inform the school. This will allow staff to leave earlier for their safety if the weather dictates.

Home Learning
As you are aware, our class blogs on the school website and in Year 6 Google Classroom share with you the proposed learning the children will be completing that week. They also share the wider curriculum matrixes to be completed each term. If the school is closed, some additional learning will be uploaded.

Many thanks for your support in helping our school remain open during periods of severe snow/ice.