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1a. Week Two Monday 30th March

Home Learning Plans

Oak Class

Week Beginning: Monday 30rd March


Hellooooooo Oak Class!

I hope you are all settling into life at home for a while and don’t miss me too much! 

While you are at home, I want you all to continue learning so your brains don’t rust BUT I also want you to have fun. Each weekly plan contains the MAXIMUM amount of work I would expect you to do – don’t stress if you can’t get everything done.

This set of plans is to last you until after the Easter holidays.

The work on the Wider Curriculum is to last you two weeks and you don’t have to do absolutely everything. Also, if you have some better ideas, do those instead.

I would love it if you would share some of the things you have been creating with me so I can see how you are all getting on. My email is:

Sending lots of love to you all!

Miss Mercer



  • Read chapters 13-16 of The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas (PDF attached in folder) and answer the questions for each chapter from The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas workbook. Also, let me know what you think of the book. Have you worked out what ‘Out With’ and ‘The Fury’ are yet?
  • Complete two of the challenges from The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas challenge cards.
  • Complete the non-fiction reading practise paper – answers are included. Check through ONCE YOU HAVE FINISHED to see how you did.
  • When completing guided or supported reading of an age appropriate text, focus on factual recall. Use the factual section of this questioning tool to generate questions to ensure that your child has fully understand what they are reading.

For example:

-When did the character go to the shops?

-What did they do next?

-Who is in the shop?

-Where are the characters going?


Complete the spag practise paper in the folder.


Over the Easter holidays I would like you to keep a journal of what you have been up to. You could do this as a written or you could use the Purple Mash 2Blog to create a digital journal. When you are writing I would like you to focus on your writing targets. Are you someone that needs to focus on ensuring your work is in sentences with full stops and capital letters? Do you need to work on including colons and semi-colons in your work? Do you need to work on adding detail and description to your writing? Choose the target that you feel is most appropriate for you and focus on including it in your journal

Punctuation Recap:


Maths: This week we are recapping our work on area, perimeter and volume and completing our work on ratio and proportion.

  • Complete the area of triangles and area of parallelograms activities on Maths with Parents Activities- class code 957389
  • Log onto Times Tables Rock Stars and complete the 10 ‘Studio’ tests you need to complete your Rock profile. Parnika and Efe are right at the top of the leaderboard at the moment – can anyone catch them. Also, we are second in the local school league table – we can make it to first!!!
  • Complete the ‘worked examples’ worksheets.
  • Log on to MyMaths- Complete the algebra revision tasks that have been set for you.

I am aware that some of you have been struggling to access some of the online maths sites so I have included a folder of maths work that can be printed off if this is the case. I hope this is helpful. Let me know if you require anything else.

  • Wider Curriculum:

    I have kept the grid the same this week so you can choose some different activities from it. You could always repeat some of the activities such as cooking or plan a route for your daily exercise.