This Week's Learning
Term 3 Week 4
In English and Communication this week, we are going to write a piece of instruction writing for the hero of our class quest. We are going to provide Lady Belle with instructions for 'How to Get Help From the Unicorn Prince'.
In Phonics, we will be learning to add the -ed and -er suffix to words ending in e. Our grammar focus will be writing verbs in the regular past tense. Our focus tricky words for the week will be 'whole' and 'listen'.
In Guided Reading, we will use our VIPERS skills to explore the Paper Bag Princess.
In Maths, we will continue to focus on money. We will complete an investigation designed to explore the concept of making the same amount of money in different ways. We will then turn our attention calculating change from £1.
In Science, we are focussing on dissolving. We are going to learn all about dissolving and then use this understanding to complete a practical science investigation inspired by our class quest.
In Time and Place, we are going to focus on geographically locating the UK on a world map. We will revisit our previous learning about Continents and then use precise directional vocabulary to provide verbal descriptions of the location of the UK.
We will also complete PE, Mastering Number, PHSCE and RE sessions. If you have any questions relating to learning in Beech Class, please do not hesitate to contact us using the class email address: