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Term 2 Week 1

Here is an outline of your learning for term 2, week 1:

Term 2 Week 1 – overview


Each week we are fortunate to have a ukulele lesson with Mr Lawrence.  This year, this will take place on a Monday afternoon.  Instruments are provided by the school.

Spelling and grammar –we will be spelling words with the prefixes dis and mis.  We will also continue to look at using pronouns in our writing.

In English, we will be looking at the book Escape from Pompeii, by Christina Ballit.  We will continue to write our own stories based on the text.  We will be using all the writing features we practised last half-term, such as sensory description, powerful verbs, creating a sense of drama and describing the phases of a volcanic eruption.

In Maths, we will work on subtracting with more than one exchange, estimating answers, using checking strategies and will complete an end of unit assessment.

In RE, we will begin a new unit on Incarnation, by asking, ‘what is the Trinity?’  Over the course of the unit we will investigate the similarities between John’s account of the Gospel and the writing in Genesis.  We will also be learning about the specific focus of each account of the Gospel.

In Science, we will be carrying out an investigation into sound insulation.  This promises to be good fun!

In Computing, the pupils will be looking at sound recording and editing.

In Art, we will be creating still life set ups that are reminiscent of Giorgio Morandi and creating sketches to base our paintings on.

PE is on Monday morning with Mrs Barter and on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Tompsett.   This term we are going to be focusing on hockey and yoga.

Reading records will be sent home with free-reading children choosing a book from the selection in class or bringing one from the reading scheme.  All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class.  Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.  

Homework will be issued this Wednesday and is due on the following Monday.

Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:

Have a lovely week!

Best wishes,

Mrs Barter