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Term 1 week 8

Our learning from week 8

Congratulations to Acorn Class for an amazing first term!


In Phonics this week, we introduced the "m" sound and continued practising our oral blending skills. The children worked hard at forming their letters on whiteboards and had a go at writing their own names once again. It's lovely to see the progress they're making with letter recognition and writing!


In Maths, we focused on understanding the number 5 using die frames, exploring how it looks in different forms. The children are becoming confident in recognising amounts and representing numbers on their fingers, die frames, and more.


In PE this week, we had an exciting time transforming into friendly monsters! Working in pairs, the children practised moving together through the space, using different types of equipment like cones, balls, and hoops. This helped them develop teamwork skills as they worked to stay connected with their partners and navigate the space safely. Everyone had a fantastic time being creative with their movements and learning to cooperate with each other!


For Religious Education, we learnt about how God is our creator and how important it is to look after everything he made. To bring this to life, we went on a bug hunt around the school and had wonderful discussions about respecting all creatures, observing them gently and with care.

Understanding the world

The highlight of the week was our park trip with our Year Six buddies! It was a fantastic opportunity for our Reception children to bond with their buddies, play together, and enjoy the outdoors. 

Finally, Mrs. Thompsett wrapped up the week with an exciting lesson about our senses of sight and sound. The children explored the school grounds, pointing out different things they could see and hear, which sparked some great conversations about how we experience the world around us.

Star of the week: Congratulations to Sara, who is our star of the week. Sara will be taking home her certificate and Wilfred the Elephant to write in the book all about her week spent with Wilfred over the half-term and will bring him back the following Thursday.

Please continue sending your children in full PE kits with labelled jumpers on WEDNESDAY'S and FRIDAY'S in Term 2.  This is because we do not have enough spare clothes for multiple children if they need changing. 

If you are reading with your child, please remember to record it in the reading record. We will only change your child's book if you have read with them 2 or more times in that week!

Any issues or concerns we need to know about, please speak to the Acorn team before and after school or email at:

Hope everyone has a great half-term!!