Term 1 Week 6
Our learning from Term 1 week 6
This week in Reception, we’ve had a busy time exploring, learning and continuing our topic of All About Me.
In phonics this week, we focused on the sounds 'T' and 'P'. The children practised forming these letters on their whiteboards and loved the challenge of making their letter shapes nice and clear. We also spent time thinking of words that begin with these sounds, and the children enjoyed coming up with words like "tiger" and "pen." It’s wonderful to see their confidence in recognising and writing these sounds growing!
In Maths, we continued to explore subitising, which is when we recognise how many objects there are without counting. We have been focusing on the numbers 3 and 4 this week, and the children have been practising showing these numbers in different ways—on their fingers, with blocks, and using other objects around the room. They are becoming fantastic at spotting and demonstrating these numbers quickly!
Religious Education
In RE this week, we revisited the Harvest Festival as we got to visit the church for the first time on Friday! The children were excited about seeing the church and learning about the importance of giving and sharing with others. We also had a discussion about how precious God is, and the children shared their thoughts about what makes God special to them.
In PE this week, we continued with our introduction to PE, focusing on basic physical skills like balancing, jumping, and moving safely in space. The children are loving these sessions and are gaining confidence in their movements. Mrs. Tompsett also continued to lead a session on BEAM (Balance, Education, and Movement), where the children practised activities designed to improve their coordination and core strength. They really enjoyed it!
All about me
We have also had a lovely time talking about what we were like as babies and how much we’ve grown since then! The children enjoyed discussing all the things they can do now that they couldn’t do when they were babies—like walking and talking. We had lots of fun looking at the baby pictures that parents kindly sent in. The children were excited to play a guessing game to match each picture with the correct child, and there were lots of laughs as we tried to figure it out!
Next week, we’ll be looking at the family pictures that have been sent in. We’ll be talking about who is in our family and why our families are so important to us. Thank you for sharing the wonderful photos and helping us with our topic!
Star of the week: Congratulations to Aaliyah, who is our star of the week. Aaliyah will be taking home her certificate and Wilfred the Elephant to write in the book all about her week spent with Wilfred.
Please continue sending in your children in full PE kits with labelled jumpers on WEDNESDAY'S and FRIDAY'S. Please also remember to send in spare clothes for your child if you have not already. This is because we do not have enough spare clothes for multiple children if they need changing.
Any issues or concerns we need to know about, please speak to the Acorn team before and after school or email at: acorn@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk