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Term 1 Week 3

Our learning for week 3 

The children have become a lot more settled this week considering it's their first full week, so congratulations Acorns! They have continued to pick up the rules and routines quickly. We have focussed a lot on tidying the classroom and ensuring resources are returned to their home when we have finished using them. 

We have begun our phonics lessons this week, where we have focused on our listening skills and oral blending to find a given object. In maths, we have begun subitising numbers! We also visited the library for the first time on Thursday, where we explored and read a few stories. Beginning next week (Thursday's), children will have the opportunity to take a library book home to share with their parents/carers. If they return their book the following week, they will be able to choose a new one. 

Every Friday, the Acorn team will choose a 'star of the week'. The child may be chosen for a multitude of reasons.  The child who is picked will receive a certificate that is presented to them in assembly on Friday's. They also get to take home Wilfred the class elephant. There is a book provided inside the bag where you just need to write down a few sentences about what Wilfred had done with you for the week. Please remember to return him at no later than Thursday for the next child to take home!

Congratulations to Peggy for star of the week this week for demonstrating perseverance in her phonics!  

Please remember to send your child in with their full PE kit. This includes their house colour top, shorts/tracksuit bottoms and trainers/plimsolls on Wednesday's and Friday's ready for PE! 

Please also remember to send in a spare set of clothes for your child. Unfortunately, we do not have enough spares to send multiple children home if they need to change for any reason, and we will have to call you to bring in a change of clothes if they are needed. These spare clothes do NOT need to be school-branded! Thank you to those that have provided a change of clothes. These will remain in school for the term and be sent home at the end of each term.

Any issues, concerns or things we need to know about, please speak to the Acorn team before and after school or email: