Welcome back
Welcome back
Hello everyone and welcome to Oak Class!
I hope you've all had a lovely summer and are ready to start your final year of primary school! There are lots of exciting things happening this year, such as young enterprise and the residential, but first we have a lot of hard work to do!
Th first topic will be Ancient Greece. We will be looking at the geography and power structures, how they lived, their civilisation and my favourite part: mythology. Your first piece of homework will be to find out something about life in ancient Greece and present it to me in any way you like - PowerPoint, poster, fact sheet, artwork, model, recipe or anything else you can think of - it's up to you.
Google classroom will be the best place to find things such as homework and spellings. I will also try to post reminders for things such as trips or deadlines here. You can use this space to ask me, or other class members, questions relating to school but it is not a chatroom! Mrs Duncombe and I can see EVERYTHING you post!
If your parents have any questions for me, they can email me at oak@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk.
I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all and hopefully we'll have a fun year :-)