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Welcome to Lilac Class!

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 2.9.24

What we are learning in Lilac Class for the week beginning 2.9.24

Welcome Back! I met all the children last term and am really looking forward to working with them this year.  Please keep your eyes open for my Letter to Parents.  This will give you an overview of what your child will be covering during Terms 1 and 2, Homework information.  This year PE for year 5 will be on Mondays and Thursdays so please ensure your child brings their PE kit in on those days.  The work we will be covering this week is the following:

In Maths in Lilac Class, we are reading Roman Numerals to 1,000.  We will be investigating the patterns we can see in the Roman number system and finding out what letters are used and what they represent.  We will then be moving onto working with numbers up to 10,000, 100,000 and 1,000,000.  Lilac Class are identifying the value of each digit and where it can be located on a place value chart and considering how the value would change if you added a 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000.

In English this week, we are reading, as a whole school, The Artist by Ed Vere.  Our writing task is to create our own narrative based on the story from the perspective of the main character, exploring her feelings and emotions.  The story is about seeing the joy and the beauty in the world. The Artist’s head is full of colours, feelings, moods and dreams.  

For our Whole Class Guided Reading this term our text is The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S.Lewis.  This week we are reading Chapter One and will be discussing and finding evidence in the text as to why Peter thinks the Professor will let them do what they like, the reasons behind Edmund being in a bad mood and why the children were annoyed it was raining.

In RE this week, we are initially answering our Big Question ‘What does it mean if God is loving and holy?  This is a formative assessment activity and we will re-visit it at the end of this unit so the children and I can see how much they have learnt!  We will then explore the qualities a god should have if people are going to worship this god.  Lilac Class will also be finding out what a ‘divine being’ means. 

For our Time and Place topic entitled ‘The Ancient Mayan Civilisation’ Lilac Class are writing a series of questions about what they would like to find out about the Mayans.  We will then be finding out where Mesoamerica is in the world and what countries today are part of this region.  Lilac Class will learn about how the Ancient Mayan ruins were discovered and what was happening in Mesoamerica in the early 16th century.   

For Science in Lilac Class, we are describing the Sun, Earth and Moon as spherical bodies and learning about flat Earth and Spherical Earth theories.  In Art, we are creating a frieze to illustrate our writing about our whole school text, The Artist.

Please see attached our Wider Curriculum Learning Matrix that contains optional activities that your child may wish to do.  Sometimes I will ask your child to choose an activity for a Home Learning task.