Term 6 Week 2
Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 10th June 2024.
This week, the children in Willow Class are completing a phonics assessment. The children will be working individually with Mrs Duncombe to read some nonsense and real words.
In English, we will revisit the poem The Sound Collector by Roger McGough. We will also be learning about riddles and writing a ‘What Am I?’ riddle.
In our main Maths lessons we will also be using a number line up to 100, finding one more and one less than a number and comparing numbers with the same tens.
In RE, we will be learning about the Sikh story of Duni Chand and The Silver Needle. We will then complete some activities related to the story. As part of our Art and Design work, we will be creating clay flowers and continuing to sew felt butterflies.
The class will also have PE on Thursday morning as usual. Please make sure your child has a school PE kit at school on that day.
If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (willow@st-barnabas.kent.sch.uk).