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Term 2 Week 6

Here is an overview of our learning activities for the week commencing 4th December 2023.

In our main Phonics lessons we will be learning to read and write words containing the ‘ue’ digraph. In some words, this digraph makes a ‘yoo’ sound (such as in fuel & argue) and in other words it makes an ‘oo’ sound (such as in glue & true). We will also be reading the words ’many’ and ‘laughed’ and writing the words ‘people’ and ‘looked’.

In Maths, we will be learning about 2D shapes. This week we will be recognising and naming shapes and sorting them into groups.

In RE, the class will be discussing our key question for this term (Why does Christmas matter to Christians?) and reflecting on what we have learnt this term.

In Art, we will be decorating glass jars and making decorations for the Christmas Fair.

In our Computing lesson, we will be using coloured dots to create a sunflower picture in the style of Georges Seurat.

Willow Class will have PE on Monday morning and Thursday morning.

We will also be rehearsing for the KS1 Nativity play on Tuesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon. We are looking forward to performing our play on 12th and 13th December at 2pm. Please could all costumes be in school by Tuesday 6th December.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please contact us using the class email address (