This Week's Learning
Term 4 Week 5
In English and Communication this week, we are focusing on creating pieces of narrative which retell a section of our Class Quest. We will begin by creating simple, compound and complex sentences which retell the main parts of the chapters. Next, we will focus on using adverbs to add detail to these sentences. Finally, we will use sentences which show and tell the audience how Sir Jake is feeling during this chapter.
In Phonics, we will be using 'al' to make the /or/ sound. We will also learn the tricky words 'pretty' and neighbour'. We will also use the and/but/so/because conjunctions to add clauses to simple sentences.
In Maths, we will continue to focus on Fractions. We will explore how to recognise and find quarters and thirds.
In Time and Place, we will continue to explain who we feel should replace Edward I as king of England in 1066. We will choose between Edgar the Atherling, Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada and Wiliam Due of Normandy. We will also explain our thinking.
We will also complete Design and the Arts, RE, PHSCE, Guided Reading and mastering Number sessions as well. If you would like to learn more about any of these activities, please do not hesitate to contact us via the class email address.