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Tuesday 9th February

Daily plans for Tuesday 9th February 2021


*REMEMBER YOUR CHALLENGE AND TO DIP INTO YOUR ‘MY FAMOUS VICTORIAN’ PROJECT.  Please remember to send me any work that you do not have answer sheets for.  I would particularly like to see RE, Science predictions and evaluations and any independent writing that you have done.  Thank you.



1. Maths

Please work through the White Rose Learning Video using the link called Area of Compound Shapes.  Please have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil to jot down your answers and working out.  Remember to pause the video when you need to do calculations and give yourself plenty of time.  If you feel very confident I have also uploaded Maths Mastery questions and answers about finding the area of compound shapes.


Live Session:  Tuesday 9th February- 10:30am- ‘A Peep at Ponds’’

FSC | Primary Nature Live | A Peep at Ponds - YouTube This is a live session provided by the Field Studies Council. Please join us on their YouTube channel to take part in this session. I have attached the resources that accompany this session to today’s blog post. 


3. English

1. The writing task this week is to create a poem about the workhouse that will be put into a whole class book for our reading corner.  Please watch my Learning Video: Victorian Workhouse Poems before you begin.  The link is:

Then look carefully at the copies of the two poems that I have read to you and read them out loud.  Put a ring or underline and label any words or phrases that are examples of a simile, metaphor, alliteration, onomatopoeia, adverb or adjective.  Also look at your ‘Life in the Workhouse’ story and Chapters 4 and 5 of Street Child to give you examples of key vocabulary to use. Now you will be ready to draft your own poem.  What will your title be? 

Make sure your handwriting is neat and your letters are correctly joined. Please see below as a reminder of how to form and join your letters.

2. For your ‘Talk for Writing’ activity please complete page 11 ‘Design your school’.



4.  Reading

Please remember to read independently for 40 minutes!  When you log onto Purple Mash you will see that I have given you an e-book to read ‘Ollie and the Great Stink’.  You have until after half term to read Chapters 1 and 2.

For your 30 minute Guided Reading Session I would like you to read Chapters 10 and 11 with your grown up as a paired reading activity.  Take turns and talk about any tricky words that you find and what you think they may mean, looking carefully at the sentence they are in.  



For your PE session today that you can do at home I would like to watch and work through Lesson 11 ‘Catching’.  The link is

Then click on #This is PE just below the screen on the left hand side.  You will then see the selection of lessons come up.  Click on Lesson 11 ‘Catching’.


6.  Topic

This week in Topic we are finishing our work about Victorian inventions.  Look carefully at the invention timeline.  Find some facts about 5 inventions (at least) that occurred during the Victorian era.  Also, work through Worksheet 3C and arrange the letters in the right order to make the correct word.

2. Use this time to work on your project.  Thank you to those of you who have been sending me some of your project about your famous Victorian.  Remember to include illustrations and pictures.  You can either type or handwrite your project.