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Term 2 Week 5

Homework for Lilac Class for the week beginning 2.12.24

Written Homework to be completed by Tuesday 10th December 2024


  1. Please learn the following words for a spelling test.  This week we are learning to spell words that end with -ment:   equipment  environment   government   parliament   enjoyment   document   management   movement   replacement   statement  

This week I would like you to write a sentence containing each word to show that you understand the meaning.  If you do not know the meaning, please look up the word in the dictionary.  Can you use commas, full stops and capital letters correctly?  Can you use an exclamation mark or question mark?  Can you add a model verb such as might, should, could, must or will?  Can you use an adverb (a descriptive word to describe a verb – a doing/action word?)  Please refer to the ‘Monarchy’ Sheet that gives different strategies for how to learn spellings.  This has been stuck in the front of your child’s Homework Book.

  1. English Task: This week I would like you to find out some key facts about one animal that lives in the tropical rainforest of Belize.  For example, the Jaguar, the Ocelot, the Coral Snake, the Keel-Billed Toucan, the Scarlet Macaw or the Harpy Eagle.  Is the animal an endangered species?   If so, why?  Draw a picture of your animal.
  2. Online Tasks: For Purple Mash I have set you Chapter 4 of ‘Planet Earth?’ (our e-book). Your logins for Purple Mash have been stuck in your Homework Book.   Please type in ‘Planet Earth?’ after you have logged into Purple Mash.  This book should come up!