Term 3 Week 5

Here is an outline of your learning for term 3, week 5:
Term 3 Week 5 – overview
Each week we are fortunate to have a ukulele lesson with Mr Lawrence. This year, this will take place on a Monday afternoon. Instruments are provided by the school.
Spelling and grammar –we will be practising words with the ‘ch’ spelling, pronounced as ‘k’. We will also be recapping sentence punctuation.
In English, we will be planning and writing our own stories based on The Great Kapok Tree. We have already chosen 3 animals/birds and decided which arguments they will use to save the tree and which persuasive devices they will adopt.
In Maths, we will continue working on multiplication and division, looking at dividing 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit. We will also be looking at correspondence problems.
In RE, we will continue to work on our unit on Gospel, by asking the question ‘What kind of world did Jesus want?’. We will be thinking about contrasting how the world is and the kind of world Jesus wanted.
In Geography, we are going to have a focus on human and physical geographical features of a particular country.
This term in Science, we will be learning about electricity and this week we will be building circuits with switches to understand their function.
PE is on Monday morning with Mrs Barter and on a Thursday afternoon with Mrs Tompsett. This term we are going to be focusing on fitness and gymnastics.
Reading records will be sent home, with free-reading children choosing a book from the selection in class or bringing one from the reading scheme. All children have an additional book in their tray for reading sessions in class. Please could we have reading records in school to be checked on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
Homework will be issued this Wednesday and is due on the following Monday.
Please contact me if you have any queries using the class email address:
Have a lovely week!
Best wishes,
Mrs Barter