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Term 6. week 4

The children are working really hard, learning the songs for Peter Pan. Working with year 4 too, we have had lots of amazing comments from people who have heard the singing! You will have had another email with details about the arrangements and ticket sales. We do need your children to have black leggings/trousers and a black top for the production, so please, either send suitable clothes in (in a named bag), or let me know if you need help with this. If you have any questions about the production, please do email on the class email.

English: In English this week, we continue to investigate the features of non-chronological reports, looking specifically at research and note-taking.

Whole Class Reading: In Whole Class reading this week, we will be reading the Tunnel, by Anthony Browne. We will investigate the vocabulary and answer questions about the text, both as a class and individually.

Maths: In Maths we will continue the fractions unit, investigating fractions on a numberline, and using a numberline to count fractions. Times tables will be an ongoing feature, with the children completing a times table challenge each week.

Mrs Banner will be teaching our RE on Friday, a spelling test, computing, and further elements of the maths curriculum (Time).

In the wider curriculum this week, we will continue our in-depth study of Ancient Egypt, this week considering Cleopatra’s contribution to the history of Ancient Egypt. In Art we will continue our final portraits, and in Music, we will be practising the songs for the play.

PE: In PE, we will be practising for the forthcoming Sorts Day activities.

Swimming, as usual, will be on Tuesday.

The children will need full PE kit, swimming costume/trunks, a towel, swimming cap - this is required by the swimming pool, and goggles (although these are optional). There will also be occasions when we do additional PE sessions, so please can the children have their PE kit in school all week. Please remind the children to bring all their kit, including a towel!

I am always happy to answer any questions you may have, so please do contact me if you have any queries, using the class email address:

Best wishes

Mrs Smallcombe and the Maple Team